Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Back At It...

Mom got back home Monday night from her road trip. She had a marvelous time enjoying the beautiful scenery, amazing people, and wonderful adventures! The highlight was the Relay for Life Cancer Walk in South Dakota, with family and loved ones (the photo on the right was taken here!). However, we are all glad to have her back where she belongs.

Today, we met with Dr. Reyes who confirmed what Mom thought- the IBC is receding!!! Thanks for the prayers! She would like to still do one more treatment with the herceptin before surgery, but we will know more in a few weeks. Today, Mom had a full day of treatment and is feeling great. Her next appointment is scheduled for July 10 with an MRI and surgeon consultations prior to that.

Our prayer requests are for: wisdom for the doctors, continued recession of IBC and of course good health throughout. The whole family would like your prayers as we make decisions about surgery plans and treatment.
We love you and are so grateful for your prayers!
The Kids