Friday, August 1, 2008

Successful Surgery!

Thank you all for your prayers! The surgery was successful and Dr. Lara was able to remove all the infected tissue this morning! He did not see anything unexpected, which is just how we liked it. He removed some of the lymph nodes, which he was going to do, and he will have them tested to check for any irregularities. We should have those results in just a few days.
Mom is looking great and already wanting to come home. She is recovering so well, but will still have to stay at the hospital overnight at least. We hope she can come home tomorrow to heal, and we are all taking shifts to help out. (even her sisters are coming all the way to California for a few days; she is so excited!) She will need to stay in bed for about a week and have to deal with some annoying drains; however, she hopes the pain will continue to minimal and looks forward to a speedy recovery. We hope to have more updates tomorrow for everyone.
She loves you all and appreciates all the cards, notes, and prayers!!! We have all known how brave she is, but today she overwhelmed us all by her calm strength. She is our HERO!!!

All our love,
The Kids


Anonymous said...

I am thrilled that the surgery went well. I continually pray for you and the family, with an extra emphasis on the surgery. So I am so pleased to hear the news that it is not only over, but everything went well. Continue on the road to recovery. You all are in my prayers!
Love, Katie Hawkins

Anonymous said...

Dear Barb,

You are an inspirations to all of us, I am so happy things are going well. We are going to keep praying for you, you are so great!

Fabi, Gene and the boys

Anonymous said...

Dear Barbara,
We praise God that the surgery went so well! We will continue to pray for a quick recovery and that the the results come back negative. Thank you so much for coming to Oran's badge ceremony. That meant a lot to us and like always, it was so great to see you!
Laura Pentz & Family

Unknown said...

Barb, Just a note to let you know we are praying for you as the kids keep us posted on your recovery. God is awesome! What a blessing for you to see how God is working through you and your family to show others God's love and provision in this season in your lives. Let me know when you are ready for Lunch. Love you! Evelyn